Estudios de política pública energética y ambiental

Energy efficiency

USAENE has worked with the governments of Latin America and Central America in the development of energy policies that seek to reduce energy consumption in sectors such as residential, industrial and commercial. We have also been present in the private sector in the development of cogeneration projects, estimation of energy efficiency potentials in the productive sector and energy audits.

Fuentes de energías sostenibles

USAENE has been present before the beginning of the Colombian electricity market, which was established under Laws 142 and 143 of 1994. Our group of senior consultants has extensive experience in regulation, not only advising the private sector but the public sector as well. USAENE has proposed important changes working with different industries such as the sugarcane production sector to develop Law 1715 of 2014, which sought the integration of renewable energy plants to the national interconnected system - SIN. Since then we have worked on the direct promotion of renewable energies.

Additionally, it has designed more than 480 MW of non-conventional renewable energy projects; and has structured more than 20 projects in non-interconnected areas (ZNI) using renewable energies that are providing access to electricity to more than 8,000 users.

Analysis of regulatory barriers

We work on the development of important regulatory frameworks that seek to break down barriers that may affect the entry of new technologies. Thus, in Colombia USAENE has been working with government entities in the development of the regulatory framework for the entry of electric vehicles and the use of renewable energies both in the national connected system and in non-interconnected areas.

Estudios de mercados energéticos

Transporte sostenible

USAENE ha realizado diversos estudios para identificar barreras, oportunidades, modelos de promoción para el desarrollo de recomendaciones y hojas de ruta en la construcción de políticas publicas para nuevas fuentes de energía, nuevas tecnologías, y nuevos modelos de negocio que permita el crecimiento y consolidación de sector energético de manera técnico y costo/eficiente para la sociedad.

Captura y gerencia de CO2 - CCUS

Estudios técnicos y económicos de prefactibilidad y factibilidad del uso de diferentes tecnologías de Captura, transporte, almacenamiento y uso del carbono como una estrategia de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero, y sostenibilidad de uso de fuentes convencionales de energía que cuentan con importantes reservas y ayudan a la estabilidad financiera de las regiones en las que se encuentra.


Usaene consciente del sentido de la responsabilidad de cada individuo y actor del sector energético, viene promoviendo el concepto de NETZERO, en el cual se busca la adopción y cambio de cultura en materia de uso eficiente de energía como primera estrategia de aoporte al desarrollo sostenible y junto con ello el aporte a la reducción de la huella de carbono mediante estrategias de implementación de energías limpias que compensen su huella.

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